We do whatever it takes!

PYP Mastermind - 1 Year Program


Get Together.


Feel & Heal.


Make Your Move.


It has given me the belief that I have boundaries and rights to practice and live to my values and culture. I would recommend this group to anyone who wants to change their life from their roots - not just superficially. 

Dr Joanna hayes, Dentist, Wellington, NZ

Imagine what it would be like…


Imagine a close knit tribe of 20-30 power women from all over the globe, some of which will be lifetime friends and inspirers

Imagine journeying with these superwomen for one year,  all selected so that any answers you seek are found in this group.

Imagine monthly group mentoring with Dr. Fern and personalised one on one mentoring with Dr. Fern (the only place you can get Dr. Fern up close, private and personal)

Imagine 2 retreats where you meet your sisters and prepare for actualisation of you shedding the old you and stepping into your full potential in luxury surrounds

Imagine being coached into actualising your dreams throughout the year with your personalised PYP coach

Imagine finishing your year with the most energy, vibrancy and health that you’ve ever experienced in your body

This is our PYP Mastermind.


“Every aspect that I needed in my life (and many that I didn’t know that I needed) has been covered. It has all been studied AND lived, by Dr. Fern and her coaches. It has been taught to us with heart and wisdom.”

Dr. Jaclyn Martinez, Dentist, Boss lady, CA, USA

Apply for PYP Mastermind.

Open only once a year. 5 figure investment. No regrets.

  • 1 Year Program

  • 2 Immersive Retreats

  • Monthly Group Calls

  • 1:1 Sessions with Dr. Fern

  • Mastermind Coaching Sessions

  • Access to Mastermind HQ Library


“I felt welcomed, held, loved and encouraged to feel loved. I connected deeper to myself, my why, my internal happiness”

Dr. Atty Smith, Dentist, Boss Lady, Arizona USA